Peut-on Mettre Fin à la Crise du Néocolonialisme en Afrique ? : Une Etude de le Bistouri Des Larmes de Ramonu Sanusi
Néocolonialisme, conflits, colonialisme, Afrique post-indépendanteAbstract
This paper explores the persistent conflicts provoked by the phenomenon of neo-colonialism in Africa, critically examining post-independence reality through the prism of Ramonu Sanusi's literary work, Le Bistouri des Larmes. Neocolonialism, as a complex web of economic, political and cultural relations that perpetuates the control of former colonial powers over African nations, is central to this study. The topic at hand is the ongoing presence of external influence within Africa, even after the continent fought for its independence. The methodology adopted is based on an in-depth textual analysis of Le Bistouri des Larmes, a literary work that offers an inside perspective on the challenges faced by African countries in their quest for true sovereignty. Additionally, historical and political sources are integrated to contextualize and validate the author's observations. The main findings of this study shed light on how neocolonialism manifests itself in various aspects of African society, including dependent economies, skewed diplomatic relations, and the perpetuation of cultural dependency. Ramonu Sanusi's work offers powerful insights into individual and collective experiences that depict the continuity of the effects of colonialism, despite the formal achievement of independence. Ultimately, this study highlights the critical importance of recognizing and addressing neocolonialism in Africa. The anguish stemming from the actions of one's kind is a poignant reminder of the complexities within a community. It calls for in-depth reflection on possible avenues to restore true sovereignty, stimulate self-reliant development and forge more balanced global partnerships.