Digital Diplomacy and French Language: Leveraging Technology for International Relations


  • Virginie B Ekwere Department of French, College of Education, Afaha Nsit Akwa Ibom State


Digital diplomacy, global connectivity, international relations, leveraging, French language, digital tools


Digital diplomacy is the use of digital tools and platforms in diplomatic practice. In today's interconnected world, it plays a crucial role in international relations. This paper focuses on the relationship between digital diplomacy and the French Language. It explores how technology can be used to improve diplomatic ties between French-speaking countries and the global community. The aim is to understand the importance of the French language in digital diplomacy efforts, the potential benefits of digitalization in strengthening cultural, economic, and political connections among Francophone nations. Additionally, the paper will also address the specific challenges and opportunities faced by digital diplomacy in relation to the French language. The methodology applied for this paper includes: examination of scholarly literature, review of best practices, and analysis of case studies. The objectives of the research are mainly to examine the role of digital diplomacy in promoting French language; to assess the impact of technology on language education and cultural exchange; to investigate digital diplomacy strategies for strengthening francophone cooperation; to explore the role of social media and online platforms in Francophone diplomacy and to advance digital diplomacy strategies for language promotion. Despite the acknowledged global scope and accessibility of digital diplomacy, it was found that there is a notable scarcity of research on its application, in African countries especially. Future research would benefit greatly from a more focused investigation into how digital diplomacy is carried out in various linguistic environments, exploring the complex relationship between technology, language, and international affairs.




How to Cite

Ekwere, V. B. (2024). Digital Diplomacy and French Language: Leveraging Technology for International Relations. Cascades, Journal of the Department of French & International Studies, 2(1), 29–37. Retrieved from