Impact of Globalization and Technology on Translation


  • Blessing Ezinne Okah Federal University Ndufu –Alike (Aefunai)
  • Offiong Erete Ebong University of Calabar, Calabar.

Mots-clés :

Globalisation, technology, translation, Minimax Game Theory


There could never have been globalization without the direct and indirect impacts of translation and translation activities of all kinds. Translation remains the wings on which globalisation flies technology, making the production and circulation of global information flow, possible, across different linguistic communities and cultures. Globalization has fostered greater interactions among people from diverse cultures resulting in a rising demand for translators and interpreters. There have been a lot of research on these three concepts. Researchers have examined and dissected the relationship existing between the three concepts, especially from the positive point of intersection, but not so much has been done about the negative impact. This article, assesses the impact of globalization and technology on translation, stating hypothetically that as globalization and technology have been impacting on translation in so many positive ways, there are also some negative impacts. The research question is: “Are the impacts of globalization and technology on translation all positive? If not, what are the negative sides, and what ways can they be checked.” That is the research gap we hope to close. The research data are drawn from an in-depth study of the key concepts and discussion of findings are done with the view to draw meaningful conclusions and make recommendations where necessary.




Comment citer

Okah, B. E., & Ebong, O. E. (2024). Impact of Globalization and Technology on Translation. Cascades, Journal of the Department of French & International Studies, 2(1), 68–76. Consulté à l’adresse